Retaining a Balance of Power is Fundamental
Claiming the president may defy court orders violates our system of checks and balances and threatens the foundation of our constitutional government.
Discrimination, Exclusion, and Inequality
In practice, Trump/Musk are reinstating the pre-1964 “DEI” program of “Discrimination, Exclusion, and Inequality”, under which measures of “merit” include being male and white. That was wrong then, and it’s wrong now.
Misplaced Blame
Let Don T. explain it to you. . . Russia couldn’t have started that war by invading Ukraine if Ukraine didn’t claim to exist as an independent country in the first place!
Science is Under Attack
Americans need the understanding and technologies that comprehensive scientific research projects produce and that robust health agencies provide.
Where Are All the Tough Guys Now?
Every legislator, if they have any interest in preserving the balance of power established by the Constitution, should immediately demand an end to the power grab being led by Elon Musk.
Vote Crawford April 1
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Is Trump for America?
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Support Your Local Government
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Let Your Reps Know
Make no mistake about it: Musk is now able to steal from you and me to give our tax money to giant corporations and billionaires.
Crawford for Supreme Court
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We Need Safety
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Repercussions of U.S.A.I.D. Shut Down
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Haste Makes Waste
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Presidential Pardons
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Don’t Forget Our Roots
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Setting Differences Aside in Times of Crises
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When a Fire Starts to Burn
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No Strings Attached
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The Elephant in the Classroom
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Adopt the ‘Manure Storage Facilities’ Ordinance
Adopt the ‘Manure Storage Facilities’ Ordinance.