We’re the St. Croix County Democrats

Driven by our strong, all-volunteer organization, we’ll elect Democrats and build a Wisconsin that works for everyone.

What we believe in
Free & fair elections
Reproductive freedom
Freedom from gun violence
Quality public schools
Clean water
Safe communities
Affordable healthcare
Voting rights
Strong labor unions
Human rights for all
Climate change solutions
Healthy democracy
Affordable childcare
Mental healthcare access
Thriving small businesses
Successful family farms
College access
Affordable housing

How we create positive change
Voter Engagement
Coalition Building
Community Service
We’re building bridges—and making a difference
We've reached a decision point in our nation's history—we must choose the kind of country we wish to become.
Our choice will have the power to heal or divide, lift up or stamp out, fuel the American dream, the Wisconsin idea—or see them extinguished.
Yes, this is a dark time in America, yet we see light. We see hope. We see an opportunity to bring people together and build a nation that works for everyone. It's evident every time we engage in conversations with our neighbors. When we share openly with one another, when we listen generously, we find we have much more in common than we think.
We believe this is the path forward.
Young people are crying out for climate action. Swing voters worry the family farm will be lost under their watch. Those who can’t always make it to the polls live in fear of a financially devastating medical emergency. Moderate Republicans recognize that Trump and the MAGA movement have diminished America’s place in the world.
We welcome everyone who wants to join us in this fight.
This is our moment—our chance to restore integrity to politics and dignity to Wisconsin families. Driven by a shared sense of purpose, we'll lift up families, deliver more opportunities to communities, and foster a new-found sense of patriotism.
We're ready to work.
There’s a place for you here
Interested in getting involved? You have unique skills and passions. Put them to work—for good.