Become a member

When you become a member, you’ll make a meaningful difference—and join a fun and passionate community.

  • Access Powerful Insight

    Receive exclusive information and participate in free training sessions to create change on the issues you care about most.

  • Vote at Monthly Meetings

    Help shape the direction of the St. Croix County Democratic Party—and influence where we direct our resources.

  • Attend Caucuses & Conventions

    Participate in the state convention as a delegate—and advance issues that are important to you through our caucuses.

  • I love being with kindred spirits to learn how I can help the cause.

    Linda S.

  • If not us, then who? If not now, then when? Sign me up!

    Chris B.

  • The positivity of this group keeps me motivated.

    Nancy V.

Your membership questions—answered

  • You’ll become a dual member of the St. Croix County Dems—and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

  • Your membership helps us maintain an office, pay for voter engagement tools and resources, and contribute to state and local candidate campaigns.

  • $10 – Veteran, Student & Low-Income Membership

    $25 – Individual Membership

    $35 – Pairs & Family Membership

  • St. Croix County Democratic Party membership goes through the Democratic Party of Wisconsin and funnels back locally.

    We recommend signing up via the state party’s ActBlue page. (Just know that it can take several weeks for us to be notified. Want to get involved right away? Be sure to send us a message!)

    Sign-up with the WisDems →

    You can also sign up by calling the Democratic Party of Wisconsin at 608-255-5172—or by reaching out to our membership co-chair, Nate Flesness.

    Email Nate →

    Paying by check? To complete your registration, send your check to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin at PO Box 1686, Madison, WI 53701.

  • Connect with our membership co-chair, Peg Audley. She’ll meet with you, invite you to our next monthly meeting, and introduce you to our members and leadership team.

    Email Peg →

Local action, national impact

Wisconsin is a key swing state—what happens here changes the course of history. Help swing Wisconsin blue.

Reach out

We’ll circle up to answer any other questions you might have—and to introduce you to our community.

-Nate Flesness & Karen Sweeney, Membership Co-Chairs

Will you become a recurring donor?

Many of our members make a monthly contribution to support the tools and resources we need to drive voter tunout. Can you pitch in?