Talk to voters

Want to make a big impact on the next election? This is it. Conversations with voters are by far the most effective way to win.

  • Text Friends & Family

    Use a free, simple texting app to share how important it is to vote in the next election with the people you already know.

  • Knock Doors

    Get people in your community excited about the upcoming election—and help them register to vote, request absentee ballots, and find their polling places.

  • Make Phone Calls

    Make calls to voters across western Wisconsin right from your very own home—and make sure they know when, why, and how to vote.

  • The first time I went canvassing, I talked to neighbors I hadn't seen in 30 years when we carpooled our children. It also gave me the opportunity to meet new neighbors who I now chat with when I see them in town. It gives you a sense of community.

    Linda S.

  • I love having two way, informative conversations about what matters to the folks I talk to! I think we both learn new things.

    Carol S.

  • Canvassing for the Dems was a great way to meet Hudsonites when I moved to Hudson in 2021. Best part was I knew we’d have some shared values that I need in new friends.

    Nancy V.

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