Hambleton Cares About Our Health

This letter to the editor, by Kerry Kittel, appeared in the Hudson Star Observer on September 12, 2024.

Paul Hambleton is clearly the best person to represent the people of Wisconsin’s 10th Senate District. He understands the challenges facing Western Wisconsin and will work hard to meet them. Paul has the knowledge, experience, and work ethic we want and need in our state senator.  

One of Paul’s top priorities would be to address the rural health crisis by finally expanding Medicaid and taking advantage of federal dollars to support families and seniors in Wisconsin.

Accepting the Medicaid expansion from the beginning would have saved Wisconsin a whopping $2.1 billion. But the incumbent SD 10 senator, Rob Stafsholt, has consistently opposed expanding Medicaid. He needs to explain why he allows Wisconsin’s tax dollars to help other states provide health care while voting against Medicaid funding that would help Wisconsin residents.

Rob Staffsholt also should explain why – when Wisconsin’s legislature has passed and Governor Evers has signed legislation appropriating $15 million to mitigate the effects of hospital closures in Western Wisconsin – Republican leadership has refused to release this funding.why. Why?

Paul Hambleton will support our freedoms, our families, and our future. They can replace a state senator who continues to block expanded access to health care with one who would fight for that expansion.  The easy choice is Paul Hambleton


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