We All Benefit From Good Schools

This letter to the editor, by Joyce Santo, appeared in the Hudson Star Observer on December 26, 2024.

I just received the State-of-the Hudson-Schools December report. It was exciting to read about all the wonderful things going on in Hudson Schools. Our schools rank in the top 10 percent in the state on Language Arts and Math achievement tests. Elementary schools are implementing a new Language Arts Curriculum, and the high school has been recognized as a Level 1 Advanced Placement Pacesetter school by WDPI.  As a community member I’ve enjoyed attending Raider Football games, including the Raider marching band and the Raidaires dance team and the wonderful performance of Footloose this fall.  

    On the front page of the report there is a message from Superintendent Ouellette. He reminds us that the November operational budget referendum did not pass. He reports the district has made $1.9 million in cuts over the last two years and is now asking for community input on further cost-saving measures. It saddened me to be reminded of the unfortunate decision in 2010 to take away yearly inflation adjustments in state funding of schools, a practice that had been in place, and worked well, since 1914. Eighty percent  of Wisconsin school districts have turned to their community voters asking for a levy override since this state -imposed revenue cap. Although many of us have had the experience of managing a tight budget, going 15 years without an increase is extreme. In contrast, the cost of living increase for those of us on Social Security has been 2.6 percent a year.  

The Hudson School Board of Education continues to consider difficult decisions on cuts to the budget and proposing another operational referendum to the community in April. Community members are invited and encouraged to contribute to the discussion. Questions and comments can be sent to connections@hudsonraiders.org  or attend the next meeting at 6:00 on January 13. We all benefit from quality schools.


A photo finish election


We should have approved the Hudson School District referendum