St. Croix County Fair booth a success
From July 20 -23, the St. Croix County Democratic Party was busy at the Fair. The theme this year was Unity in the Community.
There is more that unites us than divides us.
The goal of St. Croix County democrats fair committee was for fairgoers visiting their booth to have an enjoyable experience.
Rock painting for kids was a big hit again this year. Children and youth of all ages stopped to paint rocks. A family selfie station was available for family fun. Fairgoers were also able to enter a drawing to win a 5o inch large screen smart TV. Individuals particiapted in a values activity where each individual could choose their top three values. Stickers, prizes, water, maps, fans and other materials such as sanitary wipes were available for free by stopping by their booth. One lucky winner, Kristi O. from Minong won the TV.