Run for Office

Whatever you think of the recent general election outcome, we need good people to serve our St. Croix County communities. Before you know it, we’ll be voting in a February primary and an April spring election for new local and state leaders.
Consider running for local office yourself.
There are so many elected offices to consider. Options include city councils, mayors, village presidents, school boards, and town boards. In St. Croix County communities, candidates often run unopposed. This means your community needs more leaders like you to step up and give voters a choice.
You know your community best.The smaller the community you represent, the easier it is to know the issues that matter. You know where the potholes are, what parks need renovating, or what struggles your schools are having. When you’re involved in your community, you know better who you need to involve to get things done.
Have you heard the phrase “think globally, act locally”? It speaks to the power we have at the local level. Local governments can be incubators for new ways of doing things. While state and federal offices hold a lot of power and influence, local leaders can try new ideas and see the impacts of those policies.
Your first step is to pick up your nomination papers Dec. 1 and start circulating them to get signatures to get on the ballot.  Make 2025 the year you make a difference in your own backyard.  

NOTE: GrassRoots Organizing of Western Wisconsin (GROWW) is working locally in St. Croix, Pierce, and Dunn Counties to recruit and train candidates to run for local offices in the April  1, 2025 Spring Election. Here are upcoming GROWW events:

1. Run For Local Office training on December 4th, on Zoom at 6:00 - 8:00pm.


This is not a commitment to run, just a great opportunity to learn about running and break the ice for some folks.

2. Meet as a team for 1 hour on Zoom the week after the training to discuss Spring election strategy.

Fill out form for when you could meet at

For more info, contact Jenna Bjork at

Pam Fricke

Communications Co-Chair

St. Croix County Democrats


Support Clean Water for St. Croix County


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