St. Croix County Dems

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Trump’s ties to Project 2025

This letter to the editor, by Cheri Evjen, appeared in the Hudson Star Observer on August 24, 2024.

Donald Trump’s fingerprints are all over Project 2025, a right-wing plan to reshape America.  While it was being developed, Trump called the Heritage Foundation a “great group,” and promised they would produce “detailed plans for exactly what our movement will do.” With the help of 140 members of Trump’s administration they did so.

Part of their detailed plan would eliminate the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Head Start, Title 1, and end free school lunches. Many students currently qualify for Individual Education Plans, which provide additional support and modified curriculum to help them succeed. Perhaps children in your family were helped by IDEA.  Not anymore if Trump is elected and has his way.

Head Start has served 40 million families since it began. In addition to helping children be more ready to start school, Head Start graduates are significantly more likely to finish high school and attend college, and are far less likely to become teenage parents or involved in the criminal justice system.

Title 1 funding goes to districts with a large percentage of low-income students. Currently 65% of the schools in Pierce and St. Croix County and 77% of those in Polk and Dunn Counties receive Title 1 funds. 

Where would the funds from these successful programs go?  Project 2025 would steer them to voucher schools, which are not required to accept students currently being served by these programs.

Conservatives also call Project 2025 “a “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise.” The fact that Trump and his supporters promise to attack educational services and funding for America’s most vulnerable children is disturbing. The mandate for reasonable voters is to support candidates for every office who promise to help America’s children in difficult circumstances rather than promising to harm them.  

This November, reject Project 2025 and the candidates who would implement it.

Democracy Forward, a national legal organization that advances democracy and social progress through litigation, policy and public education, and regulatory engagement has an easy to read guide of the highlights (LOWlights) of Project 2025. CLICK HERE to visit their site.