Common sense
In a recent letter to the editor I expressed my disgust with the Republican Party. After every case of mass murder in our schools they rally around the gun lobby and block the passage of common sense gun safety laws that would help protect our children and grandchildren.
I implored Tom Tiffany, Shannon Zimmerman, Gae Magnafici and Rob Stafsholt, who represent us, to show they value children over guns by working to pass common sense gun safety laws. These laws are supported by over 80% of the public according to a recent survey by Fox News.
Apparently, my plea as a worried grandfather was too much for one Republican gun owner. Two days after my letter was published, I received a letter in the mail with negative comments about my letter to the editor and about me. The letter was unsigned of course. Was it intended to intimidate me and shut me up? If they were looking for a discussion there would have been a name and phone number included. I would have welcomed honest discourse.
I need to respond to this sentence in the letter – “Regarding calling out Republican politicians why aren’t you blaming the Democrat’s they are in control.” If anyone really believes that, here are the facts, please check them out.
In the U.S. Congress, common sense gun safety laws are blocked by Republican senators as Democrats don’t have the 60 seats needed to pass this legislation.
Republicans have overwhelming control of the Wisconsin Legislature due to gerrymandering. Recently Republicans cut Gov. Evers proposal for universal background checks for purchase of firearms out of the budget. This safety measure is supported by 87% of the public according to the recent poll by Fox News. Yes. 87%.
The cold hard fact is that common sense gun safety laws will not be passed unless we start voting Republicans out of office until they stop sacrificing our children and grandchildren on the altar of the gun lobby. I implore you. Stand up! Speak up! Vote them out! Elect Democrats in 2024.