Nate Flesness
Nate Flesness has lived in Troy Township for 32 years. He became politically active after the 2016 national elections. Obama’s advice was to engage locally, so he discovered St. Croix County Democrats and has since walked a lot of the area physically—canvassing for several elections. Since the pandemic, he has done multiple sessions of phone banking and most recently canvassing.
Nate is retired from 30 years as Executive Director and 7 more years as Science Director of Species360, a non-profit conservation-oriented animal data center for 1200 zoos and aquaria in 100 countries. Work travel included experience of dictatorships of several kinds, and democracies both thriving and failing. He learned, “There are no guarantees. The survival of our threatened democracy depends on all of us.
Nate's skills have assisted the St. Croix Democratic Party in increasing membership, phone banking, and canvassing.
Previous Term
November, 2021-January, 2023
Current Term
January,2023-January, 2025
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