St. Croix County Dems

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Hambleton For District 10

This letter to the editor, by Joyce Santo, appeared in the Hudson Star Observer on September 12, 2024.

Perhaps like many of you, I never used to pay much attention to local elections. My life was busy with working and raising a family and I didn’t have time to research beyond what was put in front of me.

In the last few years, the impact of not paying attention to local politics has become crystal clear. Most recently the news that the Wisconsin Department of Revenue filed a delinquent tax warrant against Robert Stafsholt for failure to pay his state income taxes of $78,424.05 (including interest and penalties). That sure seems like a lot of money in a state where the average salary is $58,552.

Oliver Wendell Holmes said “Taxes are the price we pay for civilization.” Wisconsinites appreciate the services provided through taxes, schools that educate the future generation,, roads, police, firefighters and many other services including the salary of Mr. Stafsholt in the Wisconsin legislature. I am outraged that our taxes are paying Stafsholt’s salary and in return he was delinquent in paying his fair share. Is this the kind of person we want to represent us in the Wisconsin Senate?

Fortunately, we have a choice to elect a new Senator in District 10 on November 5. Paul Hambleton is committed to creating a thriving economy, excellent public schools and accessible healthcare. Paul has dedicated his life to public service as both an education department official and public school educator. I know Paul and trust in his integrity and commitment to represent us. Oh, and like you and me, he pays his taxes.